Matalene and Elijah

Matalene and Elijah
Big Sister and Little Brother

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Mattie and Elijah had great appointments this week! We will have an ultrasound at 37 weeks to check out Elijah's predicted weight. Still no Choleostasis!! Yeah for Mommy and Elijah!!!

Mattie was put on some allergy medications so we are hoping this will help her feel better which will allow her to nap better which in return helps her mood!! She is still measuring 97th percentile for her height which is says she is tall. Matt and I are impressed with this since we are short. I wonder how long this will last? Her weight is 24lbs which is good too!

Enjoy the pictures. Mattie is wearing her "I'm a big sister shirt".


Hardy Family said...

You look great, I know the days are being counted now until you see that little boy. So exciting. Mattie looks so cute I love that polkadot bow. Good luck with the delivery and new baby. Thinkng of your whole family. Melissa

Jessica said...

Mattie looks so grown up! Adorable - love the dress! So, are they going to do the C-section if you're not having symptoms, or might they let you deliver on your own?