Matalene and Elijah

Matalene and Elijah
Big Sister and Little Brother

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Mattie took her first bites of rice cereal. She did pretty good! She went to her first Rome Braves game, but we had to leave very early. She was still not feeling well from her shots on Friday. I like to take Mattie on walks. Matt was off so we took Puga Ann. She got overheated so she hitched a ride from Mattie. The are best friends already!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Mattie had her 4month old doctor's appointment last Friday. She is growing fast as she weighs 15lbs and is 26inches long. She is in the 75th percentile for her weight and 97th percentile for her length. We are very proud of Mattie. She still dislikes tummy time so she has learned to roll from her stomach to her back. Here are some pictures of her rolling over.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

This is a slide show of Aunt Carolene and Uncle Brandon's wedding. I will post more pictures as I find the time to download them. We hope you enjoy! The wedding was beautiful, and we are so excited for Carolene and Brandon!

Monday, July 7, 2008

We hope you enjoy this slide show of random pictures of Mattie and her family. She is growing so fast everyday, and we are loving every minute of parenthood. Mattie is starting to laugh and even scream when she gets really excited while playing with her daddy. She still hates tummy time, but she is holding her head up when she is not mad and crying. Her personality is developing more and more everyday.

This is a slide show of Mattie's first time swimming! She had a wonderful time, and she never cried. Daddy had to work, but Nona captured the experience on video.