Matalene and Elijah

Matalene and Elijah
Big Sister and Little Brother

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Thanks for my hairbows Jackie and Uncle John John! Thanks Aunt Deborah and Uncle Joel for my get well card!

(Mattie had a reaction last Saturday to peanuts and wee had to go to the ER. She was eating some PB&J after church. She did not eat much b/c she did not like it (like her daddy I guess/he HATES Peanut butter) and rubbed most of it on her face. Then she broke out in hives on her face, runny eyes, red eyes, and she was scratching her face like crazy. We go to our Pediatrician this week for our 15month check up then most likely off to the allergist to confirm a peanut allergy.

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