Matalene and Elijah

Matalene and Elijah
Big Sister and Little Brother

Monday, April 27, 2009

Walking to you!!!
I finally got a video to download! Yeah!! Here is Mattie taking some steps to daddy. She is still not walking too much. I think she needs more confidence in herself! She hates to fall and is kinda a drama queen.
Mattie went to three birthday parties on Saturday! She had a great time at all of them! Matt and I were surprised how well she did with only a 20 minute nap in the car. She did start having water eyes and a runny nose on this day. Now she is coughing, sneezing, runny nose, and watery eyes. It really interferes with her sleep and ours too! Can she stay well for more that a week or two?!?!

Mattie had a great time using her teeth to eat this apple! It was so cute to hear her bite into the apple. She loved it! Mattie has four teeth on top and four on the bottom. She cut one molar on the top left too. Watch out.....she likes to give hugs and bite too. We really think she is giving kisses and uses her teeth as she gives love. We tell her "no no" that hurts and it really does!

Heidi, Brandon and Nate..... Thanks for my pink shoes! Hi Nate!!! Mattie loves to walk with anything she can push! This is her choo choo she got from Cooper on her birhday.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Mattie started walking a week ago. She walked to her Uncle Mark while I was at the OB. Go figure! We can get her to walk to and from mommy and daddy when she wants too. She occasionally takes a few steps to toys, but prefers to crawl still. She does love to stand and dance! So cute! We still have not gotten this on video. We are starting to slack a little with the pictures.
These pictures are of Mattie after nap on Easter. She enjoyed the sunny afternoon with her family!

Mattie was not in the best mood on Easter morning. You can probably tell from these pictures. We had to wake her up to go to church so I guess that explains her crankiness! We had a cute Easter hat, but was not able to get a picture. I also have a great video of her gathering Easter eggs but it would not post. I guess I need more patient....I waited 50 minutes.

Mattie had a great time picking up Easter eggs and putting them in her basket!

Mattie had a great time picking up easter eggs and putting them in her basket!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

We are having another baby!! We are 11weeks along and Momma has been very tired and nauseous. We can't believe that Mattie is going to be a big sister! She is very loving, caring, and sweet so we know she will be good at it. She rocks and loves on all of her baby dolls and stuffed animals. Just today she gave Daddy lots of kisses!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Today we took Mattie to Sonny's BBQ after church. We found out that her new favorite food is baked beans. She ate and ate! She had green beans, baked beans, sliced pork, and mac and cheese. The people next to us commented that they thought she ate more than her Mommy and Daddy. They said that they could tell when we weren't feeding her fast enough (I wonder how??.... she forgot all about signing more and yelled instead!). The pics are from the leftovers she had for supper.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

A few weekends ago Mattie went to her friend's birthday party. We met Gracie in Kindermusik class. She is two days younger than Mattie. They enjoyed playing in Gracie's new kitchen set! Mattie wanted to help open the presents.

Mattie got Ear Tubes yesterday. She did very well! The doctor said he 'got a tremendous amount of yuck" out of her ears. He said the pressure relief should make her feel much better. She still has a runny nose and a slight cough, but she is not too fussy. We hope this really helps so that we can stay off of those antibiotics.